Credite finantare cheltuieli diverse afaceri investitii tel: 0724 158 874
Suna la 0724158874 credite finantare cheltuieli diverse afaceri investitii
Verificare rapida si gratuita la biroul de credite si eventual stergere istoric negativ! Da, de multe ori este posibil!
Afacerea potrivita: sa aduca venituri lunare semnificative si in plus sa creasca valoarea investitiei in fiecare an, pe masura ce trece timpul.
Daca aveti deja o strategie clara, un strategic business plan bine facut ce nu doar descrie ideile ci si prezinta modul de implementare poate fi trimis la
Cauti afacerea potrivita? Suna la 0724 158 874 si afla cum poti selecta si face investitii in ceva ca sa aduca venituri lunare semnificative si in plus sa creasca valoarea investitiei in fiecare an, pe masura ce trece timpul. Poti deschide afacerea cu finantare de la banci, fonduri de investitii sau cu banii tai personali.

Afacerea Potrivita Pentru Tine
Suna la 0724 158 874 si afla cum poti selecta si face investitii in ceva ca sa aduca venituri lunare semnificative si in plus, valoarea afacerii sa creasca in fiecare an, pe masura ce trece timpul.

De Unde Obtin Capital
Poti deschide afacerea doar cu banii personali acoperind 100% sau o parte cu banii tai si restul cu finantare de la banci, fonduri de investitii, investitori privati si alte surse de finantare.

Strategic Business Plan
Un strategic business plan ce nu doar descrie ideile dar si prezinta modul de implementare este necesar indiferent daca aveti sau nu nevoie de finantare. Trimiteti pentru verificare la
Înainte de a continua cu orice fel de propuneri de finanțare, investiție sau împrumut, Garanta va lucra cu fiecare antreprenor pentru a înțelege exact ideile de afaceri, precum și punctele forte și capacitățile personale, inclusiv circumstanțele personale. Numai după ce toate informațiile sunt disponibile, Garanta va trece la o strategie special concepută, la o soluție personalizată legată de acel proiect specific. Soluțiile personalizate Garanta asigură o creștere solidă pe termen lung și satisfacție atât pentru Garanta, cât și pentru antreprenor.
Get Funded! Financing of various expenses, business ideas, investments is possible. Most sectors are accepted, including but not limited to purchasing or selling of commercial or residential real estate, land development options, other investment properties as well as of agricultural land, real estate, technology, media, news websites, market places, in most industries, on all continents.
Call +40724 158 874 to see what would be the most advantageous financing solutions.
Quick and free check at the credit bureau and possible deletion of negative history! Yes, it is often possible!
Fast financing of various expenses, business ideas and investments.

Chose The Business
Call +40724 158 874 and find out how you can select a business, invest in something providing a significant monthly income and in addition, to expect a value increase of the investment every year, as time goes by.

Required Capital Available
You can use your own money to invest and cover 100% of the required capital or you could use your personal money to cover for a part and get the balance from investors, banks and other funding sources.

Strategic Business Plan
You do not need a basic business plan, you’ll need a strategic business plan! You should have it when you do not need financing and you should have it when funding is required. Send it to for review.
Garanta’s job is to organize a specific solution for each project, and will provide personalized service and complete guidance to help you turn your ambitions into action. Garanta provides guidance, and the right implementation solutions, specific to each investment solution.
The extensive experience of Garanta allows us to build a unique strategy based on your needs, with a clear focus not only on the profitability, but also on your values, our values and those of the people and the communities where the project is located.
The network of experienced teams allows Garanta to permanently guide you, build a unique strategy based on your needs, and also make adjustments according to the project needs.
Before launching a project, Garanta will first get to know you, to understand your values, your feelings toward investing, as well as your existing financial situation and your objectives. We always put your life priorities first and your assigned adviser will talk to you about them to get a clear sense of what’s most important in your life to you, such as your family, health, work, finances, place of living, and so on.
For each specific project, Garanta will start the implementation process, once there are several strategies in place. Garanta will always have extensive risk management services done, in order to make sure that all possible volatility is well controlled, and within acceptable limits.
Garanta ensures the partners that this will be the most secured option available to them to maximize the benefits regarding purchasing or selling of commercial or residential real estate, land development options, other investment properties as well as of agricultural land, real estate, technology, media, news websites, market places, in most sectors, on all continents.